Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Labels: finished a book, weekend, Wendell
Friday, February 15, 2008
Over the weekend there was a Bat Mitzvah class for the parents. After the Bat Mitzvah class, Alberta's 6th grade class put on a TuBsvet play for the parents. The buyers of Jonny's house are still debating. Tuesday Graser the cat was neutered and declawed in the front. Also this week was the 100th day of school. Jesse and Lorraine's school made a big deal of it. Lorraine wrote an essay about health eating and health living. Jesse and Jonny made a 100 piece lego project over the weekend. Lorraine's class is doing a read-a-thon in Hebrew School. She records how many minutes of Hebrew she reads. This week Jonny helped her with math and science homework.
Also Lorraine lost a tooth. Jonny had to go to a two hour meeting on engagement in the hospital process. How boring.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Labels: Wendell
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Labels: cancer baby
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Jonny finished a book last night. He will attempt to sell The Long Suit on Amazon. The book is 279 pages. That means Jonny read over a 100 pages yesterday. It was also confirmed by Angelina that the group who looked at the house over the weekend for 45 minutes, was the same group who saw the house. So they made a list of questions. Stupid ones. Like does the fireplace work, it looks so clean maybe it is broken. Jonny finished the first ZZ Top CD and is working on the second one. They are learning chapter 2 of Word in Jonny's class this week. Did Jonny recommend The Long Suit? Not really. It has more British/Irish humor. This time. Jonny and Harry are in trouble. Harry the main character tells Jonny that they have two chances and Slim left town. Ha ha ha.
Jonny talked with Richard Ziman for 20 minutes last night after drinking a Winter Beer Bock. He was walking the dogs too.
Labels: finished a book
Monday, February 04, 2008
Friday, February 01, 2008
While over at a meeting at Death Valley Jonny ran into a former worker from the insurance company. He asked her about Matthew Lillard. She stayed until December and she said Matthew got a special deal where he can stay until he retires. Today the IT department announced that Jennifer Rice was leaving and going on to a management position. She lasted all of 13 months. But they said she was a great contributor. Back in January when the peons like Jonny were scrambling for jobs she had one lined up. But who cares Jonny won't be leaving this department for a management position somewhere else in 13 months. His other old friend Jeff Harding is the Interum director for another department that handles the velos. He was a DBA type and will be working with database. Good because Jonny wants to clean it up. Spell check is broken.
Last night Jonny talked to Wendell Pierce. He has a bad cold. Wendell allowed himself 2 minutes 30 seconds to speak to his son. He was mentioning the Yartzeit for Jonny's grandfather. This occurred some 31 years ago. Is there some hidden meaning in this brief conversation. Wendell said he would talk to Jonny over the weekend. Jonny told him about the house.
The neighbors have lowered their price from 175 to 165. Another neighbor has a house listed in this neighborhood as well. Jonny listened to Brachos 30a again because he wasn't sure what his place was. Since he got a new computer. Finally he listened to Mishpatim for the third time this week. He installed Real Player and listened to the chanting back on Monday. But this is gone since the new PC will need Real Player installed again. Better get to work and install other work related software.
Jonny is on page 88 chapter 8 of The Long Suit, by Philip Davison.