
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Jonny is back at Hotel California. He had a long meeting in Death Valley with Jeff Harding. So he didn't get to the Hotel California until 12:15. Then he had lunch. Later today he has a meeting with Penny Fuller and the doctor and the admin clerk. Penny is sick so she probably won't come. These meetings are once every two weeks. The next one is cancelled. Jonny is all ready for the meeting so he will drink this coffee and go upstairs and see Rob Schneider. He ran into Dolly Parton while getting coffee. She wants to make sure the Varis to Velos link works but doesn't break Varis when it becomes aria. Meanwhile back at Hollywood everyday Lea Thompson complains that Jonny is doing enough to learn her job and work on the billing programming.

Jonny finished a book last night. He will attempt to sell The Long Suit on Amazon. The book is 279 pages. That means Jonny read over a 100 pages yesterday. It was also confirmed by Angelina that the group who looked at the house over the weekend for 45 minutes, was the same group who saw the house. So they made a list of questions. Stupid ones. Like does the fireplace work, it looks so clean maybe it is broken. Jonny finished the first ZZ Top CD and is working on the second one. They are learning chapter 2 of Word in Jonny's class this week. Did Jonny recommend The Long Suit? Not really. It has more British/Irish humor. This time. Jonny and Harry are in trouble. Harry the main character tells Jonny that they have two chances and Slim left town. Ha ha ha.

Jonny talked with Richard Ziman for 20 minutes last night after drinking a Winter Beer Bock. He was walking the dogs too.



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