Last day of October
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Today is Halloween and the last day of October. Like this picture, of Nixon Road heading out of town, the Republicans will be leaving Ann Arbor and the rest of the country soon. Jonny used to ride his bike on this road. He would ride around for exercise during the day. No bike riding to work today though. Today he took the number 14 bus to Hotel California.
Jonny got a flu shot today. He also stopped and talked to Rob to discuss infomaker. He talked to Dolly Parton as well about the same sybase based product. While getting a flu shot he asked the nurse if she knew Jonny's wife. "Hey do you know Angelina Jolie the famous flu shot clerk? She is my wife." The people doing the shots were employee health not visiting nurses. They were quick.
He is up to page 34 of that hideous book Volume II Stephen Kings's The Darktower A Concordance. Jonny read chapter 16 of Jeremiah this promptly put him to sleep. The theme was mourning. Angelina called and Alberta got a C in science. She is signed up for camp that will cost $3300. Angelina, is piling on the chores today. She wants Jonny to steam clean Lorraine's room. She want Jonny with Jesse's help to put the hoses in the shed, rake leaves and clean Jonny's car. Right now Jonny is listening to parsha Noach, chanting. Apon waking from this morning's nap he proceded to read about the parsha Noach. He found out that all of Noach's relatives died before the flood. Noach's was the first person to be born after Adam's death. Yesterday Jonny spent several hours reading about Eve and the temptation in the garden of Eden. Some good songs heard on click fm while working are This is the world we live in by alcazar. Also Britney Spears fights with Madaonna by Me Against the Music. On Wednesday Jonny had to help out. Angelina was in Brighton until 8:00 PM. He had to pick up Jesse at a friend's house. Jonny had to keep asking Jesse "Do you have to go to the bathroom?" Angelina wanted him to ask this question at least once every ten minutes. He finally relented and went. Then Jonny and Jesse went to Beth Israel and picked up Lorraine and Alberta from Wednesday night religious school. Jonny was supposed to cut up two apples in two bowls and ask continuously of Jesse and Lorraine, "Do you want a piece of apple? Eat your apple Lorraine, Go to the bath room Jesse."
Oh wow they just said mavet on this chanting. Penny isn't even here today. Jonny will be back at the Hotel California on Monday. They switched his clinic days. He is now here on Monday and Friday. So this is good, because he can take the bus on Tuesday directly from the polling place to Hollywood. Jonny is just typing and stalling until the chanting is over. Then it is off to the bathroom with this hideous book. Another chore Jonny has is to break down a box, like a good little recycler or else Angelina will just throw the box away. The whole idea of a concordance isn't functional. Oh they just said toledot Shem. Oh Jonny just sneezed one of those big spraying sneezes. And then ended it with a lung cleansing luggie producing piece of flem, which he scrambled to spit into a tissue. He is drinking water. This is good, it helps to lose weight. He is trying really hard and is now down to 147. A week ago he ballooned up to 154. The first 7 pounds are easy if you really work at it. There needs to be will power. Jonny felt a lot of winter eating coming on. Ahh this parsh is almost over. No where on the internet can he find discussion of Rebekkah being 3 years old. There is mention of this in Rashi though. The only other source is sefer olam. But it isn't worth it to buy this book, just for this reference alone.
Labels: working wife