Today was a messed up day at work and Jonny really wants to take a nap. He had a meeting in the morning. Penny Fuller was there representing the department, so why did he have to go to it? After the meeting he gave Rob Schneider a call. This was because he is Jonny's boss.
Yesterday Jonny finished a book. He finished
The Great Divide. It was 330 pages. Lorraine picked him out a new book. Jonny is now reading
The Vendetta Defense. It is by the same author of
Death In A Strange Country. That book was about Venice. The author's name is Lisa Scottlin. That might not be the right spelling. Jonny is too lazy to look it up. It is taking an act of a miracle to write this blog.
The other reason to call Rob is because of the party. The meeting was about getting rid of VASE. Jonny has the backup spreasheet open. But he was too lazy to plug in the iron key. He isn't too lazy to make paragraphs. But he won't reorganize them, because he wants to keep the flow of the time line of the free flowing thoughts.
The party was a brunch outside of Death Valley. There at the party Jonny saw in passing Matthew Lillard and Fisher Stevens. Fisher was wearing his usual nascar jacket. Matthew was wearing his usual I'm 50 something and life is hard scowl. Also from the old gang Jonny got a big hug and awkward chat afterwards with Melissa Barker. She had 1 more child than Jonny did to catch up on. Her oldest is now a freshman in college. While Alberta is a freshman in high school. Jonny talked to Lea Thompson at great length about bicycle riding. His mentor was impressed with his adventures in the Bandameer Park trails and pulling Jesse the 9 year old 8 miles.
The only other thing of note is that Angelina is thinking about making Kreplach. Jonny found out about a new holiday. Something to lookup called Rabana Raba or something like that. Purim, Yom Kippur and this third holiday are the times to eat the delicacy. Angelina bought a couple of knishes for the occasion as well. They will try to get there early so as not to sit in the back of the building. Look in this blog next week for the review of the sermon given tonight.
Labels: finished a book