This morning he arrived at 9 AM. At 9:15 he looked into emails pertaining to the VASE governor's meeting. 9:30 emails about meetings for the double entry of data into VASE and another system for record and verify. 9:45 was testing the VASE demographics automation. 10:00 found Jonny working on the same thing.
Over the weekend Jonny finished a book. He finished reading 355 pages of No Man's Dog. Also he went to Bay City for a soccer game. That was a 1 hour and 40 minute drive. Today he listened to the parsha Beha'aloscha. His compost bin is in full glory. Jonny's parents calle over the weekend. Jesse spoke with them for about 2 minutes before the phone call got yanked away by circumstances of the day. Jonny took a nap as soon as he got to Bay City. He had to drive 5 girls. They watched DVD's both ways. Jonny had a muscle spasm you don't want to know where. A lady in the car next to him slammed her door into his at 3 minutes to game time and woke him up. Jonny didn't need sun screen at the game. But he did over the weekend when the family did some planting. They planted broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini, marigolds, various flowers. Last night Jonny helped Lorraine with homework. Last night Jonny watched some of the last Saturday Night Live for the season.
At 10:15 Jonny did the same thing he did at 10. At 10:30 he had had enough. So he walked down stairs to see Rob. He stayed there a brief 30 minutes. At 11 he relaxed and let go. 11:15 AM Jonny worked on his evaluation. Then he had lunch, then watered the plants and by 12:15 he was past out.
Jesse gave Jonny a book from his collection. This won't take long, it is a kid book. The Secrets of Droon Voyagers of the Silber Sand. A thrilling journey into Droon's Past by Tony Abbott.
Labels: finished a book, muscle spasm, soccer