
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Working again

Here I am at work again. I had to work this weekend. Working on the 835 program. I have 4 fields left which don't match with the HP3000. They are out_total_835_amt, out_payee_bill_tot_claim_count, out_payee_bill_tot_covered_charge, out_eop_id and out_clm_tot_covered_charge. Ok there are 5 fields. Plus the general ledger and the electronic funds transfer reports don't look right. They look like they are not pulling the right data.
I just read the news about the Israeli soldier being captured. Sounds terrible. Earlier my wife called me. I was walking from the other building back to this one. I dropped off a bunch of clive cussler books over there and brought a paper back book back over here. I went out a door in this building and couldn't come back in it. A public safety officer drove by and saw me trying to go in the door. Then he came back and followed me. At the same time S called me. I had to tell the guy to hold on. He idled his engine and waited. We chatted for awhile and finally I told her a public safety officer was waiting to talk to me.
For lunch I had Wendy's spicy chicken filet sandwhich. The company bought me lunch another day from Evergreen's another Chinese restaurant. I am the only one here who likes the Lucky Kitchen. Everyone else thinks it's dirty or unsanitary. Since I got the cr_code_array fields working correctly I plan to go home. I just figured I would blog and then leave. I spoke to my mother and then she sent me and email begging me to fly to the DC and then go from there with my kids to their beach house. I forwarded her email to my wife and she screamed at me about it while I was talking to the public safety officer. I mowed the lawn and used the electric weed whacker. The plug is a pain but it's better than the gas oil kind. Maybe I can buy a rechargable kind. Now that would be nice.

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