
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Well I spent the last 10 minutes reading some blogs. I like reading who reads me. Look at the sitemeter at the bottom and it tells some information. I was reading http://ecined.blogspot.com/ the ditsy chick. I don't know if they read me or not. All I know is they read the ditsy site then read mine. Today I went to the dentist. I also went to a saline study. It will help with my post nasal drip. S called me a couple of times already. I called her back and said she way bothering me too much at work. And now look at me. R chanted Torah to me in the car. Then I napped at the dentist office. Tonight Michael comes back from Bay City and S is making stiry fry chicken with double vegetables since we have more people, 6 instead of 5. You never know how much some people will eat. There I just got some coffee. My first cup of the day, this late. I walked with the ladies. Before walking I had lunch. A roast beef sandwich with the lettuce as my milk and meat barrier. I try not to screw around at work except, taking a break with Tom to watch him smoke tobacco.

Wow I just discovered the spell checker. Sandwich and tobacco just got fixed and I am spelling them correctly now. Other ways to screw around, come in late, leave early, talk on the phone, get a drink of water, bring a book to read in the bathroom, make a second trip back to the other end of the building to brush my teeth. I am listening to radi-yo.co.il the Israeli hip hop radio station.

Bernie called again about the partnership health data. Its really dead here since so many people are out for training. I think I'll drink this coffee and take a nap, just kidding. Other ways to screw around are walking around talking to people or reading internet sites. I almost never play fantasy football. I don't even know who is on my team. The quiditch book is getting interesting the jokes are really funny.

Tonight is the last class before the test in the programming C++ class. Michael is spending the night at our house. Tonight is the first night of R's new basketball league and she is on the Burns Park team.


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