
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Nothing to do

I have nothing to do at work. I finished all my assignments early. Tonight we are going to the JCC. Z is doing something with his class and I am filming it using Amy's camera. Then we have to give the camera to Valerie so she can film somthing after our film. S wants to go to a movie Saturday night. We might go to the dollar movies. My mother phoned me because she want to make sure I remember to bring my father's fishing pole carrier. I got it when I went to my cousin's wedding on September 18. Now I have it because my dad bought fishing poles for the girls. Z is supposed to get a fishing pole from Tom. Tom didn't come to work today and there was no email saying he would not be here. He wasn't here Thursday either so it was kinda lonely here. Since R finished her parsha she sat in silence on the way to school. Angry as usual at her mother for "ruining her life". My usual list of forgotten items: forgot my pills and forgot my book. The book is called Ultimatum. The pills are three: vitamin, calcium and magnesium. I had left over Chinese for lunch. Last night's class was about classes also known as object oriented programming. L has gymnastics, homework and religious school over the weekend. S also wants some steam cleaning to take place in the kids bedrooms. Spencer the cat appears to have sprayed in there. R has soccer practice and a soccer game.


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