
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Once again I'm somewhat miserable. The're all gone. I am home all alone. Its hard to believe in less than 24 hours I'll be gone too. Soo much has to happen in 24 hours. Sleep, work. Also I'm feeling a bit under the weather so of course it makes everything seem much worse. The house sitter was here. Her name is Linda. Linda left me a not, she has let the dogs out and medicate all the pets. I've no idea when she'll be back nor do I care. Started on my Partnership Health project some more today. First we had a requirements document meeting. Next is a design document meeting. I'm almost ready, all I've got left to do is make a flow chart of the data. Of course the meeting is at 10:30. I've got to make copies, finish the document, eat breakfast, get coffeee and water and brush my teeth. Hopefully Linda can walk the dogs. I think we're paying her for today as well. Really hopefully she can ride me to the airport. Use of my car is a good enough tip. Its doubtful, she'll read this blog. If she has hi Linda. Poor Tom was sick today and had to go home. I toughed it out. I also want to go shopping in the morning, before work. I plan to go to Hiller's and get the fish fillets for my Father as we have discussed. We plan to make gelfilte fish. My greatest joy of a Jewish moment. His mother taught him how to make it and now he is passing it on the generations. I went to school and got my new text book.

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