Today ny neck and hip hurts. So I took some motrin and it feels better. Mailed the package today for the book we sold. Something like beginner's guide to C++. Listened to the Talmud Brachos 4a from Grossman. I was listening to the Noach chanting today. Not much to do. Big news I talked to my brother today. He can now call me anytime because he has Verizon also. The QA position called today and they want me to come in for a phone interview. It is building 3 of the Arbor Lakes at 9AM. Unfortunately I will miss Z's oncology appointment. S is going to talk to Z's Urologist about the programmer job in the pediatric department. She is also going to talk to Z's oncologist about the the programmer job in the radiology oncology department. Feelers out everywhere. There are 60 programmer jobs up there and I have applied for only 20 of them. I feel I should just go ahead an apply for all the rest of the other 40 just in case. I really want to get out of here. So much gossip. Everyone is talking about everyone else. They all got letters stating whether they will be offered a position with BCN, kept for 90, 180 or 270 days.
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Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.
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