
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Friday, October 27, 2006


Sleepy as usual. Raining. Tigers lost. Printed out 20 postings I want to apply for. Read chapter 16 of Isaiah. Listened to Chumash Noach from Grossman again. Also listening to tape 5 of Brachos. They seem to talk about everything and anything on these Talmud tapes. Up to page 170 of The Dark Tower. Almost finished this UM proprietary electronic remittance advice file extract modifications. Just finishing up the paperwork. It is getting chilly here.
Something I have been meaning to do. Can you name the ways you think of the Holocaust. Here are some for me. When i see the letters s and another s together. When I get dressed up and move really fast with dress shoes on a hard floor. It reminds me of the hard boot sounds the gestapo made. If i see broken glass it reminds me of the broken glass store fronts. Sometimes when there is a group of people and we are rationing a small piece of bread or crackers it reminds me of the book night. I must admit most of what I know comes from that book and the tv show hogan's heroes. If you take and endless walk or march in the snow and you can't get back home for awhile. I sometimes think i lived through the holocaust and was reincarnated to remember. I eat fast because of something in another life. Or more likely the people in my family have this Holocaust remembrance gene. It is a little like evolution or something really difficult to explain.
Last night I picked up some strawberrys at Kroger's. Z eats them alot.

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