
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

cliff hanger

Still trying to learn to write in active not passive voice. It takes practices though. Word has a grammar check for it. I would like to demonstrate this to my class. I have to wait until next week when we get to word. I can't believe it Bill's daughter is coming back from school in Northern Michigan after only being there for two weeks. He said he was going to make her stay for a year and then let her transfer. I will have to wait and get the full story. I sold two books. One on accounting and one on photoshop. Been working all day on the SL compression. This is for the late claim filing program. The development environment is different than the production environment. The car was fixed. Sorry for the cliff hanger. But S was here to pick me up. It was a dead battery. Labor was $95 per hour. Total bill after the discount was $175. Very reasonable price. S says she is tired of working her food service job 2.5 hours per day. It is the fatigue and the loss of free time. Listened to Ketese. Checked in the negative balance report. Up to page 370 of windows programming. Read Torah, Torah Commentary and chanting one page two nights in a row. Been doing hand weight sporadically. Been doing nasal irrigation. Better put the Advair into the mix since I am still hacking up luggies at the most embarrassing moments. Finished a really long tech review. Been doing sit ups according to yahoo it's sit ups not situps. Been stretching. Been sleeping, napping occasionally. Also trying to improve my spelling. I put in a big word and wham I spell it wrong. I have a spelling guide in my Franklin. R wants to learn more about the civil war. So I gave her Gone with the Wind. She finished a Jewish civil war novel called War Within. She asked me how come they had slaves. I made Hebrew noun flash cards for her. She is running for school president. L has been getting up early and helped me walk the dogs. Unfortunately Z helps in the afternoon. And Dexter threw up last night violently and grossly covered the floor with grass. Then he ate some of it before I could get down there. Meanwhile the kids played happily ignoring everything so they wouldn't be spotted staying up past their bed times.

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