Thursday July 14, 2005
Last night I spent at least 30 more minutes reading bas torah and other assorted Jewish sex related blogs and blog topics. Now I am checking my messages to see if I got any comments. Since I set it up to email me when there is a comment. 3 emails, 2 from bec and 1 the sitemeter. Tells me the traffic report which I only glance at. Lets see what comments I got might change my mood. Traffic is going down. I must be getting boring. Ha ha or people are getting busy.
Ok bec it is your dog with the problem. I got confused. Sounds grosser than my story. You love gross stories though. Cheer up money bags - S's father is coming tomorrow. And R came home today. Going on 5 mintues now and I don't need my planner for writing ideas. I was no harry potter fan either. Book four is longer than 1-3 combined so its almost like starting over. And now I am being slowed down by Tom's book, stormy weather. Also tonight I started a movie. I just checked again for the title. Storm and sorrow. Its a rock climbing movie. What is a chavrusa. My other chumash is with my parents. I read the link on my blog, chabad parsha exclusively. Ethics of the fathers sounds chavuanistic to me. S made a brisket Kosher and I just put it in the basement. With all this running up and down the stairs you would think I would lose weight.
Broken toe and no bike good enough. I might be able to get this used bike from a coworker's wife. Yeah. I will try to walk with the ladies tomorrow. I plan to bring an extra shirt and shorts to change into so I can sweat in those clothes.
My meeting with DS and KO went well. Also they said a manager BN like working with me and they wrote that down. More good news Medicaid is paying for the kidney shield. I have been trying to get to bed before midnight. When HD is here I know I will. He falls asleep watching the 11 oclock news and you have to watch it with him. I will want to finish my movie.
Cheer up, my garden is doing awesome. Z came into our room before dawn and wanted me to watch TV with him. After 15 min I slept in R's bottom bunk, Z slept in my bed. I dreamt we fought about me getting enough sleep. I ran away. CS a parent from R's school was there. S ran after me. Z was having an operation in the dream and they needed me to just be there. I was sleeping at a place similar to the Mikvah described in bec's blog. It was an apartment complex workout place. Some workmen said married life is tough. I been married 4 years. I said I been married 13. Bec when your tired and have glasses on instead of contacts workmen looks the Grateful Dead album workingman's dead. Ha ha.
You know your tired when you dream about sleeping.
Don't sweat the small stuff and its all small stuff, says cherish the high and wait out the lows. And be humble in the highs and don't do anything rash in the lows.
Ok bec it is your dog with the problem. I got confused. Sounds grosser than my story. You love gross stories though. Cheer up money bags - S's father is coming tomorrow. And R came home today. Going on 5 mintues now and I don't need my planner for writing ideas. I was no harry potter fan either. Book four is longer than 1-3 combined so its almost like starting over. And now I am being slowed down by Tom's book, stormy weather. Also tonight I started a movie. I just checked again for the title. Storm and sorrow. Its a rock climbing movie. What is a chavrusa. My other chumash is with my parents. I read the link on my blog, chabad parsha exclusively. Ethics of the fathers sounds chavuanistic to me. S made a brisket Kosher and I just put it in the basement. With all this running up and down the stairs you would think I would lose weight.
Broken toe and no bike good enough. I might be able to get this used bike from a coworker's wife. Yeah. I will try to walk with the ladies tomorrow. I plan to bring an extra shirt and shorts to change into so I can sweat in those clothes.
My meeting with DS and KO went well. Also they said a manager BN like working with me and they wrote that down. More good news Medicaid is paying for the kidney shield. I have been trying to get to bed before midnight. When HD is here I know I will. He falls asleep watching the 11 oclock news and you have to watch it with him. I will want to finish my movie.
Cheer up, my garden is doing awesome. Z came into our room before dawn and wanted me to watch TV with him. After 15 min I slept in R's bottom bunk, Z slept in my bed. I dreamt we fought about me getting enough sleep. I ran away. CS a parent from R's school was there. S ran after me. Z was having an operation in the dream and they needed me to just be there. I was sleeping at a place similar to the Mikvah described in bec's blog. It was an apartment complex workout place. Some workmen said married life is tough. I been married 4 years. I said I been married 13. Bec when your tired and have glasses on instead of contacts workmen looks the Grateful Dead album workingman's dead. Ha ha.
You know your tired when you dream about sleeping.
Don't sweat the small stuff and its all small stuff, says cherish the high and wait out the lows. And be humble in the highs and don't do anything rash in the lows.
At 10:06 PM,
bec said…
hey hey
the word chavrusa comes fromt the word "chaver" meaning friend. a chavrusa is basically a friend that you learn with . so now i have one.
yeah, kids are driving me a bit nuts too 3 year old didn't nap at all this weekend, not even in the car when the baby was asleep, and so we had no down time. not to mention that today was kids day at the park, so she had all sorts of free cotton candy and snow cones (that i would NEVER let her have except for something special like KIDS DAY!!!!) so she was on a bit of a sugar rush, and being relatively unsocialized as all three year olds are, i can tell you it was quite, uh, quite, uh, well, let's leave that on a positive note and just say it was a *ahem* blessing. hahaahaha.
have a happy night and i hope it was a good brisket. i'll assume that kosher in your home is a bit of a treat? is your wife into doing the kosher thing at all? i get the impression that you're on your own in the spiritual realm here. you don't have to answer that, i know it's personal.
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