It is Monday again yeah. It is a weird week because tomorrow I travel to San Diego and my wife and family travel to Harrisburg. My weather will be really nice. I am winning the weight loss contest. We have an official weigh in every Monday and I am in first place in a field of 13. I listened to Grossman Chumash Toledot. Here at work I got sleepy and took a nap. Everyone is worried about their jobs. But at this point there is not much we can do. Today I am picking up L at religious school. We did alot of clean up this weekend. Other items of note for the weekend. We went to a play called the somewhat true tale of Robin Hood. It was Robin Hood with attitude. There was rock music with the kids doing lip singing and dancing. It was really awesome. Speaking of really awesome there were alot of spontaneous impulsive decisions made. For example I took L with me to R's soccer game. Then we went to Target and bought the Pokeman ranger nintendo game. R did some babysitting for another family. They were intrigued by her Red Cross training. Ah yes back to the awesome stuff. I finished reading The Dark Tower. Finally the book and 7 book series complete. My new weight is 144.4. I read chapter 13 of Plain English at Work by Bailey and the title of the chapter was bullets. I read chapter 21 of Isaiah. There is no school tonight that is why I am doing the religious school car pool pick up. I started a new book called Mao's People. This is of course a non-fiction book. Friday night services were very nice. R and I sat in the back and watched L go up on the Bima with all the other children. We vaccumed some of the house this weekend too since the cleaning lady will not be here this week. I help S apply for a part-time teacher job at WCC. They wrote her back right away and said they want someone with a Master's in psychology or sociology. What is wrong with an MSW I ask you? Well enough banter for now back to work. Oh yeah sold a book and took it to the post office today. It sold for nearly $40.
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