
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Friday, November 17, 2006


Tonight we have an event for L. She is part of the Friday night service at the temple. Of course S is mad at me because I didn't shave last night. And she is mad because I am wearing a sweatshirt. Oh well she is mad. I just finished listening to Grossman Chaya Sara 1 hour tape. A couple of days ago I read Plain English at Work chapter 12 Headings by Bailey. I am in the middle of PL/SQL by O'Reilley chapter 20 PL/SQL's Runtime Architecture. And I am reading The Dark Tower by King. I am on page 778 of that book. My claim check input file program is running - slowly. It started at 3:34 and is still going. I hope it can run in under two hours. I have just two days to design the NPI for ERA 835. This morning after S was screaming for no reason I checked my weight and it is 147. Z and S are staying home and not going to temple. I graded a bunch of papers at work. I also did relax and let go three times. After the second time I fell asleep. The Air America radio station here disappeared. In it's place was the all michigan band channel. They play U of M marching music continuously.

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