Tonight we have an event for L. She is part of the Friday night service at the temple. Of course S is mad at me because I didn't shave last night. And she is mad because I am wearing a sweatshirt. Oh well she is mad. I just finished listening to Grossman Chaya Sara 1 hour tape. A couple of days ago I read Plain English at Work chapter 12 Headings by Bailey. I am in the middle of PL/SQL by O'Reilley chapter 20 PL/SQL's Runtime Architecture. And I am reading The Dark Tower by King. I am on page 778 of that book. My claim check input file program is running - slowly. It started at 3:34 and is still going. I hope it can run in under two hours. I have just two days to design the NPI for ERA 835. This morning after S was screaming for no reason I checked my weight and it is 147. Z and S are staying home and not going to temple. I graded a bunch of papers at work. I also did relax and let go three times. After the second time I fell asleep. The Air America radio station here disappeared. In it's place was the all michigan band channel. They play U of M marching music continuously.
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