Things are going well
Taking notes is a great idea. So here goes from my notes. V. came over to give Z to preschool starting kangaroo room from frog room. 145.8 @ 6:30.
Took a nap on the couch at 7 AM. Z got me up early. He has come into our room 4 nights at 3AM and stays in bed between us. S says he didn't come into our bed last night. So maybe his streak is ending. He still woke up earlier than I needed to wake up and I went to bed later than I needed to to get 6 hours of sleep.
Back to my notes. Feel like I got an ear infection in both ears. Monk (nick name for one of the BA's) asked me about the turnover I gave him last night. I cut major corners, and doubt it will pass tech review. Ears hurt so much I am confused about what day it is. Emailed K a woman at work about being added to the walking email list. 10:39 I have not heard from S at a ll. She gave me a card I opened this morning. Today is garbage day and cleaning lady day.
It turned out not to be cleaning lady day. The computer broke and I blamed the cleaning lady and she was not here. So that's how I found out, and the house isn't clean.
Back to my notes. From 8:30 - 12:30 say worked on design. Gave Monk more info. Good thing I followed up with him. Did some due diligence of deleting files on riffraff. S called me. Complaining about that pull ups Z is peeing in his pullups. Complaining that pull ups are expensive. Tome needed help with maestro dates on HP3000. S called me. Complaining about computer not working. She want to change over the Cincinatti trip for R's soccer schedule. and 12014 still haven't checked these links yet. Z in bed at 9:30. Cleaned toys. L in bed at 8:30. Gave kids a bath.
Well ten minutes are up. To do list is as usual dull and unimportant. Have a great day.
Took a nap on the couch at 7 AM. Z got me up early. He has come into our room 4 nights at 3AM and stays in bed between us. S says he didn't come into our bed last night. So maybe his streak is ending. He still woke up earlier than I needed to wake up and I went to bed later than I needed to to get 6 hours of sleep.
Back to my notes. Feel like I got an ear infection in both ears. Monk (nick name for one of the BA's) asked me about the turnover I gave him last night. I cut major corners, and doubt it will pass tech review. Ears hurt so much I am confused about what day it is. Emailed K a woman at work about being added to the walking email list. 10:39 I have not heard from S at a ll. She gave me a card I opened this morning. Today is garbage day and cleaning lady day.
It turned out not to be cleaning lady day. The computer broke and I blamed the cleaning lady and she was not here. So that's how I found out, and the house isn't clean.
Back to my notes. From 8:30 - 12:30 say worked on design. Gave Monk more info. Good thing I followed up with him. Did some due diligence of deleting files on riffraff. S called me. Complaining about that pull ups Z is peeing in his pullups. Complaining that pull ups are expensive. Tome needed help with maestro dates on HP3000. S called me. Complaining about computer not working. She want to change over the Cincinatti trip for R's soccer schedule. and 12014 still haven't checked these links yet. Z in bed at 9:30. Cleaned toys. L in bed at 8:30. Gave kids a bath.
Well ten minutes are up. To do list is as usual dull and unimportant. Have a great day.
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