
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Things are going well

Taking notes is a great idea. So here goes from my notes. V. came over to give Z to preschool starting kangaroo room from frog room. 145.8 @ 6:30.

Took a nap on the couch at 7 AM. Z got me up early. He has come into our room 4 nights at 3AM and stays in bed between us. S says he didn't come into our bed last night. So maybe his streak is ending. He still woke up earlier than I needed to wake up and I went to bed later than I needed to to get 6 hours of sleep.

Back to my notes. Feel like I got an ear infection in both ears. Monk (nick name for one of the BA's) asked me about the turnover I gave him last night. I cut major corners, and doubt it will pass tech review. Ears hurt so much I am confused about what day it is. Emailed K a woman at work about being added to the walking email list. 10:39 I have not heard from S at a ll. She gave me a card I opened this morning. Today is garbage day and cleaning lady day.

It turned out not to be cleaning lady day. The computer broke and I blamed the cleaning lady and she was not here. So that's how I found out, and the house isn't clean.

Back to my notes. From 8:30 - 12:30 say worked on design. Gave Monk more info. Good thing I followed up with him. Did some due diligence of deleting files on riffraff. S called me. Complaining about that pull ups Z is peeing in his pullups. Complaining that pull ups are expensive. Tome needed help with maestro dates on HP3000. S called me. Complaining about computer not working. She want to change over the Cincinatti trip for R's soccer schedule. alldumb.com/item/1227 and 12014 still haven't checked these links yet. Z in bed at 9:30. Cleaned toys. L in bed at 8:30. Gave kids a bath.

Well ten minutes are up. To do list is as usual dull and unimportant. Have a great day.


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