
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Leg hurts ants in the House

Yes somehow ants are getting in the house. S can't figure out how. My leg is killing me. I will keep taking motrin for it. I have a big scar left over from the burn on my hand. I bet Tuesday the grass will be a jungle. Just finished grading my tests. I had a bad dream about the students complaining about their grade. Haven't even done any situps today. At around 7PM I had to take R's from lets call him J home. I met his mother part of the way at a shopping center, near here. Our neighbor was visiting and we gave her some of the meat. D we gave him dinner earlier for helping with the hair and the miniblinds. Our neighbor Susan brought over her own bacardi cooler and was in the middle of painting. They are moving away to Milan. Weep weep. I had drunk half of my red tulip ale when I found out I had to run this errand. I even had to take S's new van. So with four kids in the car and breathmints away I went. Very slowly didn't want to hurt her new van. The little boy J is Jewish too. Its very complicated. Z is too small for the dance recital. J and R's other friend E who is also Jewish were at a soccer game. J's mom agreed to watch Z. Then later J came over to our house for dinner. There it wasn't so complicated. I took the ballerina to the dance recital and S met me over there later. Oh yeah and R was playing at J's house. R has almost no girlfriends, just boyfriends.

I was so embarrased at dinner when L asked R why she had no girlfriends. We all agreed it was true. Gotta run S wants to show me something on the news.


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