
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Monday, September 29, 2008


Over the weekend Angelina invited her two new 2nd year medical students for dinner. She of course complained later that the kids were up too late. In case it isn't clear, Angelina is no teacher. This is part of the Family Centered Practice of Medicine program. They are there to meet Jesse. Alberta was on the computer the entire day. Jonny sent her an email he got from his parents about the St John trip. They requested Angelina write to them by October 1. She won't. She is waiting to see if the orthopedic guy will let Alberta go with out physical therapy for a few weeks, while on vacation in December. Meanwhile, she only wants Alberta to go for one week not both of her two weeks of vacation. Wendell needs to make the plans. Kristina is always angry that Jonny can't make those decision. He isn't allowed.

Jonny finished, 350 pages, Union Prayer book. He has no new book to read. He also has been listening to Louis Armstrong in the car on CD. Books on CD are better but it took 10 weeks to listen to the last one that was only 6 hours long. Jonny has listened to all the Rabbi Small on tape that are available at the library, he thinks. This might have to be verified. Jonny listened to all of 1 minute and 24 seconds of this weeks parsha so far. It starts out "And he went..." Vayelech but where did he go? He meaning Moshe.

Angelina called. She walked home from school this morning. She walks Lorraine and Jesse to school. On the way home she invited a dad and daughter for Tuesday night dinner. Tonight is erev, but Jonny has school. Tomorrow he has off from work and will celebrate the hag simach at services until 1 PM or so. There is only so much child care. And Angelina refuses to pay for it. Angelina as said that the recycling people who take the compost bin that hold 96 gallons of yard refuse succefully took away the 6-8 foot long branches in the compost bin. Jonny has been dragging his feet. He has been cutting the tree branches into 1-2 foot long sections so he can burn them. She wants to throw it all away. Also over the weekend Jonny and Angelina had Jesse's brand new croc fixed, which he broke on the first day. Today it broke in a new spot.

Well Jonny is off to a meeting.

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