
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lucy the dog

Lucy the dog is hanging in there. Sometimes she doesn't eat. Sometimes she pants. Other times she walks slow, throws up, pees or poops in the house. The poor dog is 15 years old.

Jonny is up to page 306 of Union Prayer book. Chapter 6 of Jeremiah. Tape 5 of Rabbi Small Monday the Rabbi took off. He listened to the parsha this week and will probably listen to the chanting version later.

A couple of night ago he called and spoke to both Wendell and Kristina for a total of 28 minutes. The night before he talked with Richard. Richard got a job. Jonny hadn't spoken to his parents in about 6 weeks.

He watched a lot of football over the weekend, including Monday night. Angelina went to the hospital to get blood draws so she can start the flu shot clinic helper job. Jonny watched two episodes of scrubs last night. The painting is done in the hall. The mirror was put back up. The smoke detector, ceiling fixture cover, light switch covers and shelf were all put back up. Jonny rode his bike to work today, for the 15th time since the middle of July. He keeps a log in a book so it says he didn't ride since the middle of September, long lay over. Today he needs to go to the bike shop to get the brakes fixed.

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