
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Penny staff meeting

Today Penny had her monthly staff meeting. Jonny of course was there as an agenda item for a VASE update. He followed a long boring 45 minute discussion of short codes, seven thousand codes, grants, gifts and general funding discussion. They resolved nothing. Jonny got to Hollywood by car at 8:20. Then he put his dinner in the refrigerator. Then he talked to Lea. Then he walked to the bus station called the Blake Transit Center or BTC for short. He took the #2 Plymouth to the neighborhood or something like that. A dining service employee who looked familiar and slept on the ride woke up in time to get off at the main entrance to Hotel California. Jonny had his empty cup of Hollywood coffee in hand. He was reading Union Prayer book page 318 or something like that. He pulled the cord and the bus driver drove right past his stop, and the next and the next. He was going along when Jonny got up and asked. The driver said didn't hear it. So Jonny walked to the staff meeting for about 15 minutes maybe it was 10. They had snacks too. Earlier Jonny had some chocolate scone at home. There in the meeting he had a pastry and mini muffins and orange juice. Right now he is plotting his sleep escape route. Perhaps take his dinner with him. Go to the car. Sleep. Drive to school. Eat dinner. Go into the school. Extra cranky. Jonny went to sleep at 2AM. Now he is tracing debugging a C# .NET program. He did read chapter 7 of Jerimiah.


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