
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Page 298

The plot gets thicker in A Thin Dark Line. But that didn't keep Jonny awake. No he left Hollywood after lunch to read an doze in his car. Now he is programming some C#. Last night he practiced his Torah reading. It is going slow but there are 5 more weeks. Alberta went to school today. Jonny is going to the bee hive for a training on Visual Studio 2008. Tonight he has class. He plans to leave the training at 4:30 when it is over and head over to Burger King near school. There has been so much rain. The grass will be growing soon. He put a bunch of stuff into the shed. Tomorrow is the physical therapy consult. Friday is a scoriosis study. Jonny is a control patient, never had the disease. They pay people here to do these


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