
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Lesson with Lea

Today Jonny is getting a lesson with Lea. His program was fixed. The problem was a space in the data file Jonny was using for testing. He is listening to parsha emor for the third time. Jonny stayed up until 1AM last night. He finished his grades at midnight and then celebrated for an hour before bed. While getting ready Jonny was thinking about the Bat Mitzvah. He was asked to do the 5th aliyah of the shlach parsha. Jonny has never read from the Torah before. He made up in his head an imaginary appreciation accomplishment speech for after his reading. This is more than just saying the blessings. Then he got an email from Alberta's tutor, this is a really difficult aliyah, you'll need lots of help. Today Jonny has a doctor appointment. Angelina spent over $250 at the nursery. She got 4 yew's and one large yew bush. She got 3 bushels of chopped straw. This morning Lorraine was crying she is going to die. She is scared what will happen when she dies. Well guess what Jesse didn't sleep at all hearing his sister talk about death he had bad dreams. Jesse ended up in bed with them. He wouldn't let Lorraine walk the dogs with him this morning since she doesn't stop talking about being scared of death.


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