
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Dexter takes a walk

Jonny has a lot on his mind at the moment. He will now try and relax. This will be accomplished via this blog. It will also be accomplished by staying on one topic. Today's topic is Dexter takes a walk. Rather than wander around in the mind like a dog with a slipped disk who walks like a drunken sailor. You know and this is a small tangent to the topic but not too far off. Seeing as how Jonny is a mathematician he recalls there is a math problem involving the drunken walker. Yesterday Dexter walked two houses. The day before only 1 house. This was an increase as a sign of his improving health. No one noticed the dog as he walked two houses. No one saw what could be the distorted walking of a dog pulling his back legs. This is why he is so dirty. This is why this is so boring. OK let us continue. No one noticed as Jonny, Dexter and Lucy turned around after three minutes. They headed back to the yard. Jonny dropped off Dexter and within three minutes he was back at the same place. This time he had only one dog with him. Once again no one saw this whole scene. Or if they saw they did not notice the awkwardness of one dog walking only 2 houses and then being left behind. Hopefully Jonny will think of something far more interesting to write about next time. This sticking to one topic idea is a pain but he will hopefully grow from the experience. Is there any news worth sticking here? http://www.chem.uoa.gr/Applets/AppletSailor/Appl_Sailor2.html

It turns out there is some news. Jonny has to make at least one Jewish reference in every post. He practiced for the first time last night for at least 20 minutes. He has the first sentence memorized. He'll be reading the 5th aliya.


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