
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

impeach Bush

Well that was the news headline yesterday. It was more like impeach Cheney.No one else was talking about it. Jonny is up to page 200 of The Messenger. He went to Hollywood so that he could work with Lea today. Jonny stayed up too late watching TV gone without a trace. He just closed his eyes for a minute waiting for 2pm. Yesterday Jonny left work an hour early too. He didn't realize until 11 PM he wanted to do something for school. So he worked on that until 12 and then watched tv. Today he has to pick up Alberta and Lorraine at Hebrew school. There is no car pool today. Jonny is working on c sharp and sybase. Friday Angelina wants to interview another real estate agent. He didn't feel like doing sit-ups last night.There are three jobs for Angelina to apply for at the U. Jonny reserved the parking pass so he and Lea can go over to Hotel California tomorrow for a meeting. The meeting includes free lunch salad. Last night's dinner was stir fry chicken. Tonight's dinner is salmon and prime rib. After reading Aiedel's blog about rare meat Jonny was thinking too. Angelina's father likes well done, Angelina medium well, Jonny's parents rare and Jonny medium rare. Does this have anything to do with political leanings? Left versus right. A sad day for Angelina's father indeed since he is so far dyed in the wool republican.

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