
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Jonny is falling asleep. There isn't much to do here. He has read up to page 42 of The Messenger. It is a good book about Israeli secret service organization. The new kitten is making everyone tired. Jonny's father wrote Jonny an email complaining about sending the kids to visit Virginia. Jonny did his usual routine last night even though it was very late. He didn't have time to watch a movie. Angelina is complaining about getting the names for the guest list for the Bat Mitzvah. Jesse has wet the bed two days out of three now. The furnace guy came out and now there is water in the basement. Angelina got her fixed van back. But there was no air in the tires. She had a screaming fit this morning yelling at Alberta for her lack of respect. The dogs are scared of the kitten. The furnace man is coming back out to look at the leak. Also the washer hasn't been fixed yet or has it? Jonny only stretched here in Hotel California once. The setting is 3000 key strokes and he hasn't typed nearly that many since noon. As a matter of fact he is sitting here watching training videos and falling asleep. At three he will particpate in a live training video. This one will be via a conference call. Jonny was reading some Parsha emails. And looking at the three blogs: styx, bec and aidel. Believe it or not she is back.

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