
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Friday, November 02, 2007

page 100

Page 100 is the best part of any book. The Messenger is no exception. Last night Jonny and Angelina fought about taking the kids to Jonny's parents for winter break. No deal is what the end result was. Jonny was pretty upset. His parents are always making him feel guilty too. Tonight the family is going out for dinner for a change of pace. Jonny is downloading a free trial of visual studio. It is taking forever. Jonny took a break and went to Wendy's and to the flu shot study. Tomorrow the family is going to Saturday services. Jonny restarted the download. It is a 3 gb download. Absolutely nothing else is going on. Still no luck getty lysol ready brush refills for less than 6 dollars a tube. Also there is a ton of people in here now. Still no luck getting a headset for the cell phone off ebay either. No Orek vacuum either. This store around here is supposed to have headsets called meijer. It is across the street from home depot and lowes. Rob wants the spreadsheet of the project priorities along with IRB approvals. The only house for sale in Jonny's neighborhood is a bank sale for 154K. Ridiculously low. There is another realtor selling a house on King George who promised to but Jonny's house if he buys hers. Better go call her.

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