
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Friday, April 23, 2010


Today at 5:45 PM, Jonny will be meeting his son Jesse at soccer practice.

Jonny is up to page 130 of To Say Nothig of the Dog.

At work he is adding a fixed header to a scrollable DataGrid in ASP.NET.

He rode his bike to work today.

Jonny only has $3 so he might not it to the Red Hawk.

Right now he is feeling sleepy. This always seems to happen around 2:00 PM.

This week in the parsha it was a double parsha again like last week. The parshim are called Achaierei Mos and Kedoshim.

It tells the reader to be afraid of your mother. This is because most people are scared of the father, so the Torah wants to balance that out.

Also the first line is "we should all be holy". The word we is used because this means the parsha was taught to all of Israel not just the men.

It tells not to indulge.

The parsha says the more mitzvahs are done the holier the mitzvah doer becomes.

It is important to listen to the rules of Shabbos.

Fear your parents means don't sit in their chair.

Respect your parents means help your parents.

All these make sense but Jews do these because the Torah says to.

A person is closer to Kadish Barchu on Shabbos.

The Kohen Gadol had to change his clothing 4 times.

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