
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ice cream social

Today Jonny's department had an ice cream social. They had diet and regular ice cream. Also there was A & W brand root beer and another kind of root beer. Also there was Vernor's brand ginger ale.

Jonny watched an episode of Scrubs and deleted a few others. There wasn't a new episode on ABC this Wednesday.

Rob told Jonny to let tech support handle the reformat. So Jonny emailed them and it will happen tonight.

Jonny is on page 110 of The Zookeeper's Wife. He is on page 111 of The DaVinci Code.

Right now he is listening to Tzav. Beverly doesn't seem to mind.

For Pesach, Jonny, Angelina, Lorraine, Alberta and Jesse are going to the house of Bill, Jennifer, Margo and William. Margo is in 7th grade, Alberta is in 8th grade and Lorraine is in 6th grade.

Jonny isn't in a working mood and now he hasn't even had lunch yet. He could walk to Red Hawk around 3:30 PM and read a book for an hour while sipping a beer. Happy hour begins at 4 PM probably. But he is too sleepy to even concentrate on the novel or the documentar.


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