
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Passover is coming to Ann Arbor real soon.

Outside the Hotel Hilton it is very cloudy, gray and just down right nasty looking. Surprisingly enough it isn't snowing. The weather is supposed to be low 26.

Jonny has been doing data entry at work. He will graduate to even lower. Soon he will be installing software. To fix his office 2007 problem, he needs to reformat the hard drive. Jonny was waiting to see if the software would come back.

Jonny is on page 107 of both books he is reading.

Last night he watched Scrubs. The night before and the night before that Angelina and Jonny watched Cold Case. Now they are all caught up on Cold Case episode. Jonny didn't even realize, there is probably a new Scrubs episode to watch. The new season is on Wednesday nights.

He was really bored yesterday. So he wrote random notes on the parsha. They make no sense what so ever. They are just a bunch of Hebrew words written in transliteration.

Vayikra karbanas if you do a chet
Carbon of various times
Aaron's name yochud brings
kayin godol
comparison of vayikra to Tzav
An avera can't take away
Torah, limud of karbans
Karbon ayla most kedusha
Whole karboin is burnt the claw is the more kadusha there is the greater the aytzhura
Review of what you learned is the most important thing you can do
Posix base mizbayach
ashes on side of mizbayach
Robe and underpants where his begodan
The mitzvah of taking the ashes out of the mizbayach
If you have bad thoughts bring the karbon aylah



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