
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Wow 735 posts already. Ever get the feeling you want to blog and then when you finally get to -- nothing?

Well today Jonny broke his flosser. He also ran out of tooth paste.

It is about 50 degrees and sunny outside, but it feels more like 40. Fortunately Jonny caught the bus this morning rather quickly. He missed one. But by the time he crossed the street he was just in time for another one. The number 4 bus is similar to the Sponge Bob episode when the main character SB is waiting for a bus. When he goes across the street to buy a candy bar they all come.

Yesterday Jonny listened to the Breshis. Rabbi Grossman was talking about Carbons. That is a Hebrew work for sacrifices. In this parsha Cain kills Abel. The foreshadowing of this even is the sacrifices the brothers brought to G-D. This parsha is of course the first one of the Torah. That is because last week Simchat Torah was celebrated. Jonny's family didn't go to the celebration Saturday night. They barely had time for dinner.

Alberta hurt her knee over the weekend from too much soccer. And Angelina is complaining about getting a therapy appointment for her.

Jonny finally finished watching the Minnesota Viking - Green Bay Packers Monday Night Football game. Brett Farve, not only led his team to victory he also got another record. He is the only player to have beaten, all 32 teams in the NFL. This wasn't possible until he left the Packers.

Today Angelina was working in the flu clinic. Jonny took Alberta, Lorraine and two other neighbor kids on the 1/2 mile drive to middle school. Later he took Jesse on the 1/2 mile drive to elementary school. Then he parked his car and caught the bus.

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