
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

weekend activities

Today Jonny had a meeting at Death Valley. So he go to the meeting at 10 AM when it starts. He drove there. Then he drove home. At noon he had lunch. Jonny was greeted at the door by Lorraine. Jonny rode his bike to work at 12:30.

There are two bar/bat mitzvahs this weekend. Sam Douglass's bar mitzvah is Saturday and the party is at night. Sunday there is another party for another girl that is the same age as Alberta. As you will recall dear blog readers that Alberta, had her bat mitzvah celebration in June of 2008, a little earlier than her classmates.

Also Lorraine is having a slumber party for her birthday. Of course Annabella Sciorra will be at the sleepover. So Angelina is stressed about all the logistics of the upcoming weekend. \

Jonny is up to page 400 of Passage. He also started a book on CD that Lorraine got at the library. Jesse meets with his teacher there. So to entertain the kids, they get to browse the shelves.

Jesse couldn't sleep so he came into Jonny's bed. He slept between Angelina and Jesse. At around 7 AM, Jonny got up and went into Jesse's bed. At around 8:15 the adults got up. Lucy was let out earlier by Lorraine. But Lucy still wet her dog bed. Ahh Jonny was quite sleepy at around 2 PM, but now that he has blogged this off his chest he feels more awake.

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