
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today Jonny is as unmotivated as usual. He forgot his Iron Key drive so he doesn't have the spreadsheet with the names. Most of the names are etched in his brain anyway. This morning he had a meeting with Penny and Rob. This was a waste of time and contributed to his dismal mood the rest of the .. cell phone ringing .. who can it be other than Angelina? It was her. What was the point of that phone call. It was like trying to win a contest on the radio. He kept calling her. She kept calling him He wants to talk to her cell phone to cell phone because it is air time free that way. Yesterday Penny asked Jonny to do something, that he completed a year ago. So he said yes he will do that. Today Rob told her that Jonny will be able to do something for Penny's doctor/researcher in VASE and not in Excel. Jonny told her it couldn't be done in Excel Monday. Today she was fine with it.

This is a good time to escape. So Jonny finished a book. Peony was 312 pages and there was an additional 20 page afterward. The book was mostly pretty bad. Now Jonny needs to look it up on Amazon to see the reviews. He doesn't recommend reading any more books by Pearl Buck. But he read in the back cover some book she wrote in 1940 became a movie so maybe that one. He is up to page 23 of The Sabbathday River and it is quite good. The author describes the scenes well. She tells what the main character is thinking. It probably is just another murder mystery series. Oh yuck. But Jonny does intent to read something like that from the temple library called the Rabbi Small series. This way it will be fresh in his mind to write a book review.

Ah before Jonny forgets. The house. Yes it is important to document what is going on. Since Jonny is trying to document what was going on in 1994. In 1994 Alberta had been conceived and the pregnancy was or wasn't discovered yet, hard to remember back almost 15 years ago. In the mean time. Jonny slept most of the morning while listening to Torah Gems current parsha KiTisa. This is also the time of Purim. And that is why Jonny wanted the Iron Key and possibly to add more names. Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband for example. He needs a name. Jonny and Alberta went to the Meggilah reading Monday night. Her family gave Alberta's family a gift as is the custom on that holiday. The reading was done with a play interspered between the chapters in a Batman theme.

OK back to the house. Angelina has been working more. On Monday she had to leave early and Jonny had to get her charges off to school. She of course woke him up ten hours too early. So he took a nap immediately after she left and before getting Lorraine and Jesse off to school. While he was sleeping the kids were startled and found and awoke their Dad. He was a clever hider, sleeping in Jesse's bed while they made shamrock and foot matts. A loud noise was the culprit. Later that afternoon Angelina independently discovered the source of the noise. A shelf containing hundreds of italian products had fallen. This was only one or two days after that closet door incident. This was the shelf Jonny had put up. Angelina had brought this actually a cupboard with doors from the old house.

OK back to Oracle training.

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