
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Today is Wednesday. Jonny took a nap. He is slowly reading the Union Prayer book. And he has been lax and hasn't listened to the parsha at all this week. There is so much work to do on the house. Last night he was building shelves. This will store more of the books. This way some of the books will move out of boxes and onto shelves. Then there is the drainage ditch that needs to be dug. The dining room light still needs to be fixed. Angelina wanted Jonny and Alberta to start going to the Sunday night Minyan. That didn't happen over the weekend. Today Jonny had a turkey sandwich. He might go to nicolas books and collect on his coupon. Jonny got a coupon from Angelina for $8 off a book. The coupon says get a free paperback. It is a birthday coupon. Jesse has pooled his birthday money and will be buying a $100 lego set. The weather has been hot and the grass isn't growing too well. Janeanne and her family are gone. They stopped over to say good bye. Angelina wasn't there because she was grocery shopping. Tomorrow is the last class for Jonny. They are getting a test. Then he has tons of homework to grade. He took the day off yesterday. Jonny went to the JCC to meet with the principal of the Hebrew Day School so that she could discuss their needs for a webmaster. Angelina said she would do it, without any skills, ha ha. But well good luck to them. They don't have much money and want the moon of course. That is how it goes in life and all things computers.



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