
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Yeah Jonny finished playing with XMLDOM today. That stands for extendable markup language document object model, in case anyone was curious. He wrote some Oracle code to modify an XMLTYPE field. The problem was the text value of the field was NULL so he tried to use insertchildxml, xmlforest with updatexml and update set in Oracle. It worked in one version of Oracle and not another. So he converted it to XMLDOM.

Angelina called. In summary, she is spending money. The new house the cell phone. It never ends. She is a great shopper. She is going to need to buy bike locks for the kids, when they bike to school. Angelina went over on the cell phone and got an emergency 1000 minutes by extending the contract 2 years.

The sellers refused the offer to pay $10,500 to replace the sewer line, remove the asbestos and repair the chimney. Funny chimney is spelled correct, but spell checking thinks extendable as in XML isn't a word, it wants extend able instead. So Angelina is financing $9,500 of repairs. The selling price goes up by that amount and then the seller writes a check to the sewer company and writes a check to the asbestos removal company. Those checks sit in a vault until Angelina is ready to make the repairs. She will need extra money to cover those repairs since it is off by at least $1000.

Jonny spent several minutes warming up to studying XMLDOM on the web yesterday by reading about the aleph in vayikra. In the process of burning out his eyes until 9:30 yesterday he found a cool website called The Watchman or approximately bet emunah dot org. Anyway this guy does a fantastic job of explaining many Jewish topics, including big Hebrew letters, and little Hebrew letters found in the original Torah scrolls. Also there are dots above letters. There are gaps between words. There are backward nuns too. Not the Catholic kind the Jewish kind. There are extra long daleds as well. All very interesting.

Speaking of interesting websites, Jonny discovered that google maps street view. He has yet to find the Saturday Night Live 3 AM commercial parody talked about in the news. Jonny says just give me a reason not to like Hillary. Because he supports her more than Barak. Anyway these google websites allow a person to actually look down a street. Supported cities among others are Orlando (just went there for vacation), NYC (including Brooklyn), Detroit, Chicago and Pittsburgh (where Jonny went to college). Missing is DC and Ann Arbor.


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