Only 4 more days left until Jonny Lee Miller moves out of Pittsfield Township. Angelina, Lorraine, Alberta and Jesse are going with him of course. Today Jonny has a massive headache. he just checked out some blogs: bec, erica and styx. Today was a meeting at 9 and another at 11. All the while Jonny just had to go to the bathroom so badly. He was falling asleep and cold. In addition his head was pounding. All the while he is listening to this boring presentation and drinking water to further fill his bladder. Angelina called and she is getting free checks because her mortgage is through their bank or something like that. Jonny doesn't feel much like typing because of carpal tunnel. Or it feels like it. His fingers are starting to feel numb. There is lots of programming to be done too. The mayor of Detroit finds out today if he will be indicted for perjury, for lying under oath about an affair. Believe or not Jonny still has this muscle spasm in his groin, driving him crazy. Feels like he has to pee all the time. He listened to shemini parsha today and is listening to Brachos 45a now. Last night right before bed Jonny took down the topper for the window in the master bedroom. He also took down the cat window bed. It is a hammock for cats that sits in the window sill. Their big butts hang out past the windo sill and a pair of l shapped 1 foot long braces hold them up. One time all three cats were in it. It is velcrowed to the window sill. So that left a big mark. There was a lot of mold behind it and that will be Jonny's job tonight to clean it up. Today enough with XML and back to sybase and c# pronounced see sharp. The c# program will have some embedded sql to pull demographics data and send that into an oracle database.
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