
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Conjoined twins

Jonny was watching conjoined twins on tv tonight. It was so weird. The girls had two head right near each other. Any way this has been a usual weekend. Angelina hid all Jonny's books. They went to the pool Lorraine, Jonny, Jesse and Lorraine's friend. It was not that hot so Jonny was shivering most of the time. He is on page 35 of the Edna book and the PC book. But about 35 pages behind the rest of the jews in the world. He just had a shot of wild turkey. Angelina finally bought a 12-pack of Samuel Adams Summer Ale combo but that means Jonny just put one beer in the downstairs fridge an hour ago and it is quite cool yet. The combo has two Summer ale which are just fine and 5 other pairs of weird Samuel Adams Summer ales. He plans to get up early for the first time going to work at 8 AM. He was reading in the paper today about all the suffering in the world. So sad the degradation of women. The arabs with their honor killing of their own family members. Then in Africa the fetish priests where kids are donated into sex slavery for their whole lives. It just makes Jonny sick.

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