Good Shabbat
Jonny just finished reading page 458 of TC. He is getting sleeping. Unfortunately he and Angelina have been working all day. Someone came today to see their house. An Indian couple with and Indian wife and an Indian little child and an Indian realtor. Angelina's realtor came over briefly to check the house over. Sunday they are having an open house. Jonny had to write thank you notes for the four people he interviewed with earlier in the week. He will be on the phone Monday from 10 to 1. Then he has a job interview lined up for 1:30. Angelina is picking him up. Then they will go to the hotel and change.Olegar and Jonny started a lunch club. Jonny had Angelina buy some Best brand kosher salami. She also bought some hoagie rolls. Jonny will make the sandwhiches for him. He is the supervisor and Jonny agreed to 2.50 per day. He plans to heat the meat add the lettuce and cheese. Olegar want kosher meat but doesn't care about the cheese. As stated before he is obviously a moslem and is from Pakistan. Jonny has about 50 pages left in his novel SWS. Friday night at work he stayed really late and met Angelina at a graduation party at Burn's Park. Jonny got there around 8:30 or 9:00.
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