
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Monday, January 29, 2007


It's Monday again. Another week of work. Jonny plans to continue updating the fake names page http://pittsfield-jew.blogspot.com/2007/01/fake-names.html. Well I also updated the template. Now this link is in the side bar. Jonny updated three more names. Facility is walking around. Jonny hears Paul too. And Michael. Trying to look busy. While they walk around. Too much levity. They are putting signs up. The facilty duties are being handed over bit by bit. Without looking at my notes free form thoughts flow into today's blog. The Miller family is getting passports next weekend.
Jonny accomplished the following. Got really bored today. It's quiet now at 4:26. Finished the novel The Fifth Profession 448 pages. Ran out of dental floss at work. Started the movie The Rock. Page 200 of Plain English at Work. Page 212 of Torah Commentary. A recruiter called. Another recruiter called. "Jesse couldn't take the test" - Angelina called. Max came over and gave Jonny and Jesse real buzz cut hair cuts. "Wait a little while before going outside Ann Arbor" - Angelina called. Reading Dec 06' alumni magazine. Sold a book and went to the post office. Found out stamps are now 39 cents not 37 cents. Wondering how all those letters sent with 37 cents made it. The post office guy said "they must be paying on the other side."
Started study for an Oracle certificate. Read Haaretz Flash News. Unfortunately there was a suicide bombing at a bakery in Israel. Picking up Margo and Lorraine today. Drove Margo, Lorraine and William on Sunday. Their dad Bill Mail gave Jonny's resume to his recruiter. That recruiter is one of the recruiters that called today. Gotta go call another recruiter. Whatever.

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