
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Monday, April 25, 2005

Forgot HP


and Happy Pesach. Yes I was away on a trip. Visiting my in-laws for Pesach dinner. We went to the club with 25 people. Lots of screaming kids (our 3 were angels, of course).

Well I was only there for 24 hours. I started reading book 3 of Harry Potter on the way. On the way back to Michigan I forgot the book. I sat down in the airport and almost cried NOTHING to do in the airport nothing to do on the plane.

Well I sat down on the plane next to a woman reading answer to question about Genesis. Or some such title. I gathered quickly since the cover quoted Tim. it must be Christian. I could not resist to start up a conversation. "Your book is more interesting than mine (NWA in flight mag)." So I gave her several large heapings of drash.

Take it for what its worth she learned from her book that Cain married his sister. I forgot to tell her I knew that already. I asked her why Isaac's wife was three when he married her. Of course she knew nothing of my hour long commentary I could remember from Rashi about various parshot from Bereshit.

When I got home to a quiet house I made dinner. My father sent me to my surprise not Shteim Pesach cakes but Shalosh. One was a mix honey cake. Another my favorite, banana walnut from scratch. And under my favorite was Wine nut cake. I also finished the last ten minutes of the movie I was watching called Rebel. My father used to say always during my childhoodI was a rebel without a cause. It wasn't fair I was only ten and did nothing wrong. It must have just been a nick name that stuck.

Well better go check out the weather. It miserable here in the 48197 zipcode. Too much snow for late April.


  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger Special Ed said…

    so your the styx cousins huh? He doesn't have links to other blogs onhis how did you get to mine. Hope you enjoy it.

  • At 6:57 PM, Blogger ptjew said…


    I saw you left a comment on his website and the I found your blog by clicking on your profile.


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