
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Monday, October 11, 2010


Mondays aren't the best days for working people.

Jonny is taking a break from the madness.

Earlier today he had Rob's staff meeting. Lea wasn't there. Jonny had to look it up too. He forgot his iron key, but the blog helped recall who she was. Lea wasn't in the more recent fake names post but she was in the 2007 one. Interesting...

Last week Jonny listened to Noach again for the parsha of the week. Here is what he learned the second time around in the same week. Something put the decison for a flood punishment over the top. It was the gisel of stealing. This was because it was the opposite of being good and righteous to people. For some reason Noach was born cirumcised. Even Kosher animals came on the arc. Why is this possible. 7 pairs of the kosher animals were brought and 2 of the not kosher animals. The Torah makes a big distinction between kosher and not kosher. In Hebrew the word for kosher is Tor or literally clean. For not kosher it is Tomay. Yet in this particular parsha the Torah uses the opposite of kosher instead of just saying Tomay or literally dirty. So it is as if the Torah says you will eat clean animals and not eat dirty animals. And in this parsha the Torah says you will save 7 pairs of clean animals and 1 pair of not clean animals. The rabbis attribute this to the harsher version of dirty is saved for Parsha Emor and the less harsh version for instructions to Noach. The harsher version would have been to say you will save 7 pairs of clean animals and 1 pair of dirty animals. Why does it say it that way?

In other news, Michigan lost to Michigan State in a big football game.



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