
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Rob takes the Manchester bus

Jonny fixed Tuesday's post to have the title officemate. But today he has no officemate. Branden R. isn't here today. Who can blame him? HCIT (Hotel California Information Technology) hasn't set him up yet. Jonny was discussing this with Rob on the way to work. Jonny has suggested that Rob try the Manchester bus stop. Jonny rode the #14 to work. Both the #14 and #4 buses stop at that location. The nice thing about that location unlike the Washtenaw Avenue stop is the covered area. But Rob got on the bus and told Jonny he had to park really far away. Jonny too had to park really far away, about three blocks from his house to the bus stop. Ha ha.

Today Jonny listened to the repeat lecture on the Parsha. He took a few notes. In the beginning of the Vayishlach parsah the angels are messengers. Later Yacov is fighting with an angel. The angel says "don't ask me my name". Why did the angel leave? Also learned is the custom of Sukkot. This is because life is temporary and Sukkot is a symbol of the temporary state humans have in life. The angel had to leave to pray. Well that is enough chumash.

Don't forget this is the parsha where Dina is put into a box so she doesn't marry Esau. Jacob goes back across the river to put things into jars.

Jonny is up to page 32 of The Eight. It is neat because the story flows forward in two prongs: 1972 New York and 1790 France. Also there is chess.

Speaking of games and officemates. Jonny had to celebrate his last day of privacy. He took an early morning nap. He brushed up on Euchre skills by playing against robots in yahoo.

Alberta's team beat Anna Marie's team in basketball. But Max Ligosh wasn't there because his daughter wasn't there either. Alberta wanted Jonny to miss the game. Penny upset him so much he fled work on the late, packed tight 4 PM #4 bus. He arrived by 4:15 and proudly stood for the national anthem. The games obviously don't start at the scheduled 4:00 PM. She thinks that Angelina and Max have too close of a friendship. But that is just a tease. Jonny thinkgs there is nothing wrong with Angelina making friends with a few guys. She really isn't good friends with Max or Ernie any more anyway.



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