
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Friday, July 31, 2009


Right now Jonny is listening to the parsha on Real Audio chanting. It is very nice. It is sunny up here in the Hilton. Buddy hasn't arrived yet. Jonny has switched back to Rabbi Grossman. His soft spoken manner when discussing Torah with a Brooklyn accent while living with the heathens in Los Angelos, is amazing. Jonny had part of the week off. But he managed to listen to Va'etchanan twice. Moshe begged for admittance into the holy land 513 times. If he had prayed one more time he would have been let in. This sounds familiar. Perhaps this was mentioned in this blog a couple of years ago at this same time. As we know the parsha comes around every year. So it is a circle of life. Back then Jonny was in 2005 amist the turmoil of Oracle and the evil Michael Gaston trying to fire him. Speaking of the past and bad jobs. Wow how about the for a roll into one. Job hunting is the link to the latest old diary entry. Back in 1994 Angelina was pushing him hard to look for another job. In the early summer months in his young 2 year marriage Jonny was writing about it most of the time. Speaking of recording things down, Jonny watched a movie. The movie was Century of War. You've Been Warned got horribly deserved reviews. Jonny also finished a book. Lorraine forced him to read a children's book. The book was a quick read at 87 pages. It was doing its job. It entertained during the week long absence of the wife and children. Lorraine has picked a strange book. The Passage is set in a hospital about near death experiences. Jonny is on page 3.

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