
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Rob said he would call to find out if Jonny can stay at Hollywood next week or even starting Friday. Right now users can't get into velos. Jonny was doing work on SMTP. He is did a little prep work for his new class starting soon. He had lunch with the database staff today. They ordered Chinese. Jonny had to borrow $6 from Rob because he left his money in his car. Jonny walked from the temple on Washtenaw and all the way to Hotel California. Tonight he has to walk back by 5:45 to do the car pool run. In the car will be Lorraine, Alberta and Margo. Margo is the neighbor. Angelina said it could be worse, at least Margo's brother William won't be in the car. He always balks and being placed in a car seat. Jonny didn't sleep well. Of course he dozed off around 9 PM but didn't actually go to bed, he was napping on the couch. Later he went to bed after reading more of The Final Country and is now up to page 146. The time was almost 1AM. Then he didn't sleep well, the book caused weird dreams. Jesse came into bed sometime in the middle of the night. The storms last night were tremendous. Angelina just called and Jonny talked to her on his cell phone for about 10 minutes. Jonny wonders what the kids are learning in religious school today. Maybe more about the parsha Bo. On the way to work Alberta and Jonny listened to some more of the tape Tuesday the Rabbi Saw Red. Tonight Alberta has foosball after dinner.


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