
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Slow day

Today was a really slow day at work. Jonny took a nap. Jonny rode his bike. Jonny even read CH. He read HP too. He has 4 cases left. He also called hold on looking up the name Richard. His wife Nancy's job is ending in April. She will have to take the job in Hong Kong if she wants to keep it. So they found this out 2 months ago. Right around when the rented out their house and rented an apartment. Jonny sent Kristina some videos. Angelina wants Jonny to ask Rob for his new phone number. Jonny flatly refused. Anyway he sent Thomas a really angry letter. He also sent Angelina one too. The same old story Jonny wants to see his parents more.

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