
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Saturday, May 12, 2007


One more week of formal training for Jonny. Olegar was out on Friday. Ray helped Jonny get his AS2. Unfortunately there was no time for Jonny to work out at work. Angelina and Alberta are fighting now. Lucy the dog is gagging on something. She chokes just like Jonny does. Jonny did some catching up on the Parsha. He read part of this week's parsha Kidushim. It is the most important one because it says all the commandments are important. Very soon Angelina has a painter lined up. The weather is too cold to plant flowers and vegetables. Not much big plans for Mother's Day just the usual clean up. Maybe some steam cleaning. The lawn gets done every weekend too. This weekend possibly doing some fertilizing. At work Jonny has been reading some of Robert De Niro's java training seminar. It is mostly review for Jonny but it is nice to read it. This De Niro is black. He was a teacher once and has a window seat. Jonny took a short nap at work on Friday. He also bought some 2 cent stamps. This week Jonny sold an American History book. Over the weekend he sold an Information Age book. This was the highest book yet around $60. Jonny is past page 300 in One Kingdom. Angelina says the hanging plants must come down. She also wants Jonny to shave. He has a pimple on his lip so he has been avoiding the shave. So much stuff is packed up now. Jonny's purple handweight has vanished.

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