
The first post says it all Shalom, This is the home of the Pittsfield Jew. Sure its neat to read about Jews in Brooklyn who are very observant but how about a not so observant Jew who lives in the Mid West?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Same stuff different day. Angelina is less than thrilled about the new job. Jonny on the other hand never too scared to argue loves it. Soon all the U characters will get replaced with new characters. Maybe from a different movie too. But Kristina will be around for awhile. G-d forbid if any of Angelina's curse were to come true.
On to a different topic. Hashem would be proud. The other day when Jonny lost a glove while talking to Laurence in the parking lot. So Jonny gave the glove to a homeless man begging on the side of the highway. He was on his way to a job interview. Which he didn't get the job. But he felt good about donating. Today Angelina is lunching with a customer service person. She is bring over the books to donate to WCC. They have recycleing contest over there. Plus there is some old broken batteries in there. The kind like flat disk shaped for part of the magnetics toy.
Jonny has been programming the APC code for the 835. It and the NPI will go live long after he has left. Alberta is home sick now. Jonny sold another $1.75 book it was one of Max's books. He took it to the post office today. Jonny is on page 289 of TC. He has been reading plain english at work. Eating a roast beef sandwhich now.

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